Using RSocket with Spring Boot

4 min readAug 13, 2019


RSocket is a binary protocol for use on byte stream transports such as TCP, WebSockets, and Aeron.

It enables the following symmetric interaction models via async message passing over a single connection:

  • request/response (stream of 1)
  • request/stream (finite stream of many)
  • fire-and-forget (no response)
  • channel (bi-directional streams)

There are several implementations provided now, including Javascript, Java, Kotlin etc. In this post, we will explore the official Java implementation- rsocket-java, and later we will have a look at the RSocket integration provided in the latest Spring framework (and Spring Boot).

The following is an example showing rsocket-java.

First of all, create a RSocket server and run it on localhost:7000.

final AbstractRSocket responseHandler = new AbstractRSocket() {            @Override
public Mono<Payload> requestResponse(Payload payload) {"received request-response payload: {}", payload.getDataUtf8());
return Mono.just(DefaultPayload.create("received (" + payload.getDataUtf8() + ") at " +;
.acceptor((setupPayload, reactiveSocket) -> Mono.just(responseHandler))
.transport(TcpServerTransport.create("localhost", PORT))

In the above codes:

  • The receive() means it will receive the request from client.
  • The acceptor defines how to process the request, it accept a SocketAcceptor class. It is the place we can embed our handler for processing the incoming request. AbstractRSocket is a convenient class which provides methods for all interactive models supported in RSocket. As an example, here we only need to handle the request/response model by overriding the requestResponse method.
  • The transport specifies the server information, including host, port, protocol, etc. Here we use TCP as protocol, and run it on localhost at port 7000.

Next create a client to connect the existing server and send some data to it.

.transport(TcpClientTransport.create("localhost", PORT))
.flatMap(r -> r.requestResponse(DefaultPayload.create("Hello")))
.subscribe(r ->"handled result:#" + r.getDataUtf8()));

In the above codes:

  • The connect indicates the current client will connect to server.
  • The transport provides the server info which it will connect to.
  • The start method returns a RSocket, it can be used to interact with server side. Here we send a requestResponse type request, it requires a response from server.
  • Finally, we can use subcribe to display the received response from server.

Spring integrated RSocket into its messaging infrastructure, and it defines a RSocketStrategies to allow you encode and decode the RSocket payload via Jackson, besides a RSocketRequester is used to interact with the server side.

Using Spring initializr, you can generate a Spring Boot project skeleton in seconds.

  • Project type: Maven
  • Spring Boot:2.2.0.M5
  • Project Metadata:
  • artifact : server
  • Options/Java : 11
  • Dependencies: RSocket, Lombok

Generate the codes in a zip archive for downloading. Download and extract it into your favorite IDE. Open the pom.xml in your IDE editor, there are two dependencies added.


The spring-boot-starter-rsocket includes auto-configurations for RSocket integration. For the server side, it will create a Roscket server automatically from RSocketProperties. For example, we defines the server info in the


Start the application in IDE or run mvn spring-boot:run, you will see the server is running at localhost:7000.

Create a messaging controller .

class GreetingServerController {
public Mono<Void> hello(Greeting p) {"received: {} at {}", p,;
return Mono.empty();

class Greeting {
String name;

It accepts a Greeting payload, return an Mono.empty. Let's create a client application to shake hands with it. Similarly generate it via Spring initializr.

  • Project type: Maven
  • Spring Boot:2.2.0.M5
  • Project Metadata:
  • artifact : client
  • Options/Java : 11
  • Dependencies: RSocket, Reactive Web, Lombok

An extra spring-boot-starter-webflux is added because this client is a reactive web application, and it will run at port 8080.

Declare a RSocketRequester bean firstly. We use RSocketRequester to interact the RSocket at port 7000.

public RSocketRequester rSocketRequester(RSocketRequester.Builder b) {
return b.connectTcp("localhost", 7000).block();

Create a @RestController to send a greeting message to the server side.

class GreetingController {
private final RSocketRequester requester; @GetMapping
Mono<Void> hello() {
return this.requester.route("hello").data(new Greeting("Welcome to Rsocket")).send();
class Greeting {
String name;

Start the client and server respectively. And try to use curl to access http://localhost:8080.

curl http://localhost:8080

In the output console the server application, it print the result like this.

Check the source codes from Github.




Written by Hantsy

Self-employed technical consultant, solution architect and full-stack developer, open source contributor, freelancer and remote worker

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