Kickstart a Spring Boot project by Spring Initializr.
- Project type: Maven
- Java version : 11
- Spring Boot : 2.2.0.M5
- Dependencies: Reactive Web, Lombok
Do not add Spring Data Neo4j into the dependencies, we will use the new Spring Data Neo4j Rx instead.
Do not forget to add Lombok to your project dependencies. We’ll use Lombok to get the Java codes clean as possible, esp. to generate the getters and setters, hashCode, equals, toString for you at compile time.
Download the generated project skeleton archive and extract the files into your machine.
Open the pom.xml file in the project root folder, add the Spring Data Neo4j RX dependency from the Neo4j team manually.
Declare the property spring-data-neo4j-rx.version
in properties.
Now let’s add some codes to experience the new Reactive features in Spring Data Neo4j Rx.
Create a POJO class for presenting a node in Neo4j graph.
class Post { @Id
private Long id;
private String title;
private String content; @CreatedDate
private LocalDateTime createdDate;
In the above codes, @Node
, @Id
, @GeneratedValue
are located in the package
which is part of the new Spring Data Neo4j Rx project.
Spring Data Neo4j Rx also supports the annotations from Spring Data Commons project. For example, you can use Id
and Persistent
from Spring Data Commons instead of the Id
and Node
annotations from the new Spring Data Neo4j RX.
Spring Data Neo4j Rx supports data auditing as well, so you can use @CreatedDate
, @CreatedBy
, @LastModifiedDate
, @LastModifiedBy
as usually, just add @EnableNeo4jAuditing
on the application class to enable it.
Create a Repository
class for Post
interface PostRepository extends ReactiveNeo4jRepository<Post, Long> {
Create a Controller
to perform CRUD operations.
@RequestMapping(value = "/posts")
class PostController { private final PostRepository posts; @GetMapping("")
public Flux<Post> all() {
return this.posts.findAll();
} @PostMapping("")
public Mono<Post> create(@RequestBody Post post) {
} @GetMapping("/{id}")
public Mono<Post> get(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return Mono.just(id)
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(new PostNotFoundException(id)));
} @PutMapping("/{id}")
public Mono<Post> update(@PathVariable("id") Long id, @RequestBody Post post) {
return this.posts.findById(id)
.map(p -> {
p.setContent(post.getContent()); return p;
} @DeleteMapping("/{id}")
public Mono<Void> delete(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return this.posts.deleteById(id);
The above code is easy to understand, the main difference is here it returns Reactor’s Flux
or Mono
type. In the get
method, if the Post is not found, throw an exception PostNotFoundException
in the reactive flow by Mono.error
class PostNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { PostNotFoundException(Long id) {
super("Post #" + id + " was not found");
When the PostNotFoundException
is caught, send a 404 Not Found
status code to the client.
class RestExceptionHandler { @ExceptionHandler(PostNotFoundException.class)
ResponseEntity postNotFound(PostNotFoundException ex) {
log.debug("handling exception::" + ex);
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
Almost done. Let’s try to initialize some data for demo purpose.
Create a CommandLineRunner
bean to insert some data.
class DataInitializer implements CommandLineRunner { private final PostRepository posts; private final ReactiveNeo4jClient client; @Override
public void run(String[] args) {"start data initialization ...");
.just("Post one", "Post two")
title ->"content of " + title).build())
(v) -> client
.query("MATCH (p:Post) RETURN p")
.mappedBy((t, r) -> (Post) (r.get("p").asObject()))
() ->"done initialization...")
); }}
Benefit from the Spring Boot auto-configuration mechanism, a ReactiveNeo4jClient
bean is ready for use. You can use it to interact with the Neo4j low level APIs, such as executing Cypher queries.
To experience the new reactive features, you have to use Neo4j 4.0 which is still under development.
The following is a docker-compose configuration which allow you run Neo4j server in docker containers.
image: neo4j/neo4j-experimental:4.0.0-alpha09mr02-enterprise # not release yet.
- "NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/test"
- 7687:7687
- 7474:7474
Configure the Neo4j driver properties in file.
Start up the application, use curl
to test the APIs.
# Get all posts
curl http://localhost:8080/posts
[{"id":0,"title":"Post one","content":"content of Post one","createdDate":null},{"id":1,"title":"Post two","content":"content of Post two","createdDate":null}]
# Get post by id
curl http://localhost:8080/posts/0
{"id":0,"title":"Post one","content":"content of Post one","createdDate":null}# Get none exsting post
curl -v http://localhost:8080/posts/10
* Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> GET /posts/10 HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.55.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
< content-length: 0
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
Get the codes from my Github.